I am a doctoral student at Northeastern University's Network Science Institute,advised by Tina Eliassi-Rad.
My research focuses on comparing Graph Embedding Methods, to bridge between Computer Science and Network Science.
My research interests are in Network Science, Machine Learning, Data mining and Algorithms.
I am interested in designing and applying Machine Learning algorithms, especially interested in combining Machine Learning methods with traditional algorithms. I am also interested in developing models for estimation and prediction.
I get my bachelor degree with a major in Mathematics and minor in Computer Science from University of Michigan in 2014. Before going back to graduate school in UCLA Computer Science in 2016, I worked as actuary in Asset Liability Management Department in Sun Life Financial in Boston Metropolitan Area.
I got my master degree in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2018, with a focus on Machine Learning.
Self-Initiated Project
Software Construction Project: convert research PDFs into audio files so that users
can listen to research papers. Current text-to-speech tools also convert table contents, headers and footnotes
to audios, causing users unable to make sense of the research paper contents. Our tool identify and get rid of
urls, headers, footnotes, and math formulars, thus the comprehension of users on research paper contents improves.
Future work can be done: how to sensibly read math formulars to users using automatic text-to-speech tools.
Software Construction Project
Joint work with Hanjun Li, Sherry Lin, Andres Abdo, Yunsheng Bai.
Research and Publications
Machine Learning Research--Applying Constraints on Neural Network.
Jingyi Xu, Zilu Zhang, Tal Friedman, Yitao Liang and Guy Van den Broeck. A Semantic Loss Function for Deep Learning with Symbolic Knowledge, In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018.
Algorithm Research--Finding Optimal Solution for the Mutually Exclusive Set Cover Problem. (Individual Project)project repository
Robotics Research: Evacuation Planning using Hololens and Rtabmap SLAM. (Joint project with Hangxin Liu, Zhenliang Zhang, Yixin Zhu) project repository